Construction Business Coaching
- Construction Professional Business Coach
- Certified Speaking Professional
- Business Coach Of The Year By PBCA
Helping Contractors Get Their BIZ To Grow & Profit!
- Hands-On Construction Business Coaching
- Mentorship & Consulting
- Speaking Workshops & Webinars
- Hardhat BIZSCHOOL Online Training Courses
- Business Templates
- Mastermind Peer Groups

Watch George Explain The Value Of A Winning Coach

Why Work With George Hedley
As Your Personal Hands-On Business Coach
George Hedley is a leading professional construction business coach and was named ‘Business Coach of the Year’ by the
Professional Business Coaches Alliance.
As a contractor George built over 700 projects values in excess of $700 million. Over the last 25 years, he has presented over 500 programs to over 10,000 contractors at national conferences. Over the last 15 years he worked 1 on 1 with over 250 coaching clients to help them:
- Get their business to scale-up and improve.
- Grow over 100% in 2 years.
- Increase their annual revenue from:
- $5 million to $20 million
- $10 million to $30 million
- $30 to $50, and over $100 million
- Improve their net profit over 100%.
- Implement systems to get organized and in-control.
- Build a management team run company.
- Develop accountable teams to achieve results.
- Allow the owner to get a life and start investing.
George is the author of the bestseller ‘Get Your Construction Business To Always Make A Profit!’ This book includes the BIZ BUILDER BLUEPRINT system which helps General Contractors, Builders, Subcontractors, Specialty Contractors and Service Contractors who are stuck and want to get to the next level..
As your BIZCOACH, George will help improve your profit margins, achieve better project results, increase field production, know and track your numbers, get organized, install field and project management systems, build an accountable responsible management team, charge the right overhead and profit mark-up, win more customers, and become a ‘Best In Class’ contractor.

George Hedley BIZCOACH Services
1. Introductory Free Zoom BIZCOACH Session
2. Regular BIZ-BUILDER BIZCOACH Zoom Sessions With George Hedley
3. In-Person BIZCOACH STRATEGY SESSIONS & Company Meetings
4. STRATEGIC PLANNING & Management Team Meetings
5. Profit-Builder Webinars, Workshops & Boot Camps
6. Professional Speaking Presentations, Workshops & Training
7. HARDHAT BIZGROUP – Mastermind Peer Groups
– Hardhat BIZSCHOOL – 25 Hours Of Online Business Courses
– Hardhat Templates Package – Over 100 Contractor Templates
– Webinars, Boot Camps & Workshops

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